How You Can Help

You are here because you want to help decriminalize substances that help people heal and lead more fulfilling lives.

Here are a few ways you can help.

Support Our Petition to City and State Representatives

City and State representatives pay attention and take to heart requests from their constituents.

Simply click the button below, sign our petition by entering your name and address, and we'll do the work to let your city and state representatives know that you support ending the War on Drugs and decriminalizing substance possession for personal use.

Support Our Petition

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

This takes less than one minute, and helps you stay in touch with updates on substance decriminalization.

Simply click the button below, log on to your account account, and click button Follow.

Follow us on InstagramFollow us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter

Join Our Organization

The work on decriminalizing Massachusetts needs people who are passionate about making the world a better place.

Email us to find out how you can help, doing the type of work that you enjoy doing - whether it's meeting and educating people, working on campaigns, expanding the social network presence, researching critical topics, working on policy, on the website, or one of the myriad areas that make a successful organization.

Join Us