Petition to City and State Representatives

Dear City and State Representatives and Legislators,

On my behalf, please work with Decriminalize Massachusetts to decriminalize the substance possession for personal use in the State of Massachusetts.

The cities of Somerville, Cambridge, Northampton, and Easthampton already showed the way with decriminalization in 2021.

Let’s end the disastrous War on Drugs policy which has put millions of innocent people behind bars at the cost of billions of dollars.

Let's decriminalize the entire State of Massachusetts by voting for Bills H.2119 and S.1277.

We Believe that:

substance USE is not necessarily a problem,

substance ABUSE is a public health problem, not a law enforcement problem,

people who abuse substances need access to medical services and addiction treatment, not incarceration,

controlled substances such as Psilocybin, MDMA, Ibogaine, and Ayahuasca can be beneficial for individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health challenges, as well as for mitigating substance addiction,

we the people, not the State, have sovereignty in choosing what substances to use for healing and wellness as long as our actions do not injure others,

the War on Drugs continues to destroy lives and decimate communities by needlessly incarcerating individuals and allowing criminal cartels to flourish.

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